The benefits of entering Photo Competitions.
This image, “Prarie Skies” by Lara Janzen Photography was recently Added to the PPA Loan Collection.
I was asked to write about why I enter photo competitions and what the benefits are in doing so.
I entered for the first time in 2018 at our local Professional Photography Organization because I wanted input on how to improve and become a better photographer. I will say that it is not for the faint of heart. You will have to check your ego at the door and be open to doing things differently or at least consider new ways of photographing your subjects, new ways of lighting said subjects, and new ways of editing those images.
I love learning new things, and when I get out of my own way, I have discovered there are many ways to do anything, but there are some methods that give you better results than others. Photo Competitions have taught me how to look at a scene for better composition, look at betters ways of capturing and creating light, and different ways to edit the images to produce the art I envision in my head.
The first year, I realized that, although I was on the right track, there were many ways I needed to improve. I also realized that some images I loved did not necessarily mean they were good competition images. My biggest surprise was that, in competition, it was expected that you were going to take out distracting elements and that manipulation and modification of a photo was expected. Point and shoot is usually not going to cut it, even with the best planned shoot.
Photo Competitions are also about training your eye. The first year I watched the IPC (International Photo Competition) I did not really understand why some images did better than others. Now, over a year later, I was much better at “seeing” what the jurors were seeing and understanding all 12 elements of a great image. (For more information on that, check out this link:)
As with any competition, you may not always agree with the jurors. Art of any kind is subjective to a degree. However, competition does teach you how improve your craft and become a better artist and photographer and you can also be inspired by the many photographers and artists who are so much better than you. (After all, there is always someone better)
So check out your local photography club or organization and see if they offer competitions!